Monroe Demonstration Academy Offering Weekend 'Care And Connect' Sessions

Monroe Demonstration Academy Offering Weekend 'Care And Connect' Sessions

The Monroe Demonstration Academy is one of the few schools at Tulsa Public Schools that offers Care and Connect sessions on weekends.

Elmer Thomas is the Climate and Culture coordinator at Monroe. 

"Kids that come from a low economic background: They need that personal touch," Thomas said. "They need to know that you care before they care enough to learn what you're trying to teach them."

Care and Connect centers provide students with in-person tutoring, counseling, help with the district's online software, and overall, a space to concentrate on their assignments.

All TPS schools are providing Care and Connect hours four times a week, but the days vary from school to school.

Sessions are offered by appointment only and limited to 10 to 20 students per session.

Thomas said getting face-to-face interaction with students can make the difference in their attitude toward learning.

"The students may not ever tell you, 'Oh, I'm so glad that you're here,' but I see it when they leave," Thomas said. "Students, when they see their teachers, their faces light up."

The TPS after-school program is a similar program. Some TPS sites stay open until 6 p.m.

Lewis and Clark principal Lori Gregory said she's hopeful the program can have a lasting impact.

"We're making sure that they're staying safe," Gregory said. "We're providing homework help, so that way, we can try to meet the needs of the whole child."

Students and parents who want to sign up for Care and Connect can do so by filling out a form from their schools.