1921 Race Massacre Survivors Prepare For Special Trip To Ghana

1921 Race Massacre Survivors Prepare For Special Trip To Ghana

Two Tulsa Race Massacre survivors are getting ready to take the trip of a lifetime with their families! The social media platform, Our Black Truth is paying for them to take an all-expenses-paid trip to Ghana, Africa!

"I am just so elated," said attorney Damario Solomon-Simmons.

Viola Ford Fletcher and her brother, Hughes Van Ellis are just days away from stepping onto the soil in Ghana, Africa.

"We stand here today just for a minute, to share our treasures with the Mother Land," said State Representative Regina Goodwin.

The siblings will be sightseeing along with meeting Ghana's President, tribal chiefs, and government officials.

There will also be opportunities for Mother Fletcher and Uncle Redd to honor family members who have passed away.

"We fight for them, we love them, we thank God for them as individuals and what they stand for. They are taking all of those people that are in that room over there- they are going with them, all those ancestors," said Solomon-Simmons.

The trip will end with a naming ceremony.

"Imagine being in the company of a 107-year-old woman who has so much history, but we want to give her some new history. We want to give her some new memories. We want to give her some new excitement. We want to give Uncle Redd something new to be able to think about," said Our Black Truth COO, Dr. Toni Luck.

The social media platform Our Black Truth is taking Mother Fletcher and Uncle Redd on this trip.

"There is no demeaning or derogatory information allowed on the platform. We strive to uplift and raise the level of expectation on social media," said Michael Thompson with Our Black Truth.

Our Black Truth has connected with Ambassador Erieka Bennett in Ghana who is helping coordinate this trip of a lifetime.

"I feel great to have the privilege to go and the prayers from others," said Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Viola Ford Fletcher.

"I think it is wonderful! I love to travel, and I have never been to Africa," said Tulsa Race Massacre survivor Hughes Van Ellis, "I am just anxious to go!"

The group is going to leave on August 13th, they will be back on the 21st.

You can follow along with their adventures through the Our Black Truth Social App.