Gov. Stitt Seeks Answers On Federal Distribution Of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments

Gov. Stitt Seeks Answers On Federal Distribution Of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments

State health officials said they have enough antibody treatments currently for Oklahomans who need it battling COVID-19.

Governor Kevin Stitt, however, is questioning the Biden administration, who recently changed how providers get the drugs.

"What's confusing for us is the federal government has started limiting the supplies to Oklahoma,” said Stitt.

Stitt was in Tulsa this week touring Tulsa ER & Hospital, which has given out more than a thousand of the antibody treatments so far, with 80% effectiveness.

Related Story: Governor Stitt Tours Tulsa ER That Provides Monoclonal Antibody Treatments

Two weeks ago, the Biden administration changed the way facilities like this get the drugs.

Before, facilities ordered the antibody treatments directly from the supplier. But because of a surge in demand, with seven southern states making up 70 percent of orders, the federal government is now allocating the drugs to state health departments, who then distribute it instead.

"I think our role as the government overseeing the entire country is to be equitable in how we distribute,” said Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary. “We're not going to give a great percentage to Florida over Oklahoma."

Stitt said they want more clarification in how the feds are allocating it, especially in a system he said was working before, with supply available. He wants to make sure Oklahomans who need the drugs can get it.

"Now the federal government has kind of come in and limited our ability to order that in the state of Oklahoma,” said Stitt.

The state health department said they also will ensure they have access, and that right now, the allocations they're receiving from the federal government are meeting the need currently.

Florida Governor Ron Desantis has also been critical of the federal government taking control of it, saying his state made it a priority earlier.

The White House said they're shipping out about 150,000 doses per week.