Greenwood Chamber Of Commerce Announces Women's Business Center Coming To Greenwood

Greenwood Chamber Of Commerce Announces Women's Business Center Coming To Greenwood

A women's business center is coming to Greenwood.

It will be operated by the U.S. Black Chamber of Commerce with the Greenwood Chamber of Commerce -- to invest in women business owners.

The Greenwood Chamber of Commerce said the goal of the women's business center is to help increase opportunities for African American and minority women.

"This is something we have not had for women in this city, in this state, ever," said Freeman Culver.

Freeman Culver the Greenwood Chamber President said this will be the Small Business Administration's newest women's business center.

"The model works. This is the 138th center that's been established in America every single one of them got great results -- this will be no different," said Culver.

One-on-one counseling, mentorship, workshops and technical assistance will be available to women entrepreneurs.

The center comes after President Biden's visit to Tulsa when he made a commitment to entrepreneurship for the area for people who may have gotten left behind by failed policies.

"It's going to be a pipeline that's been created for this community," said Culver.

The center will be located on Black Wall Street where the chamber said 85 percent of the business owners are Black women.

"It's going to empower us more and give us opportunities we may have not had in the past," said Angela Robinson.

One of those women is Angela Robinson who owns Black Wall Street Corner Store and More.

She's excited about the opportunity to grow her business and network with other women entrepreneurs.

She said having a women's business center at the same place where hundreds of Black people were killed leaving businesses destroyed -- is a new start.

"We have the opportunity to come back to where our ancestors were and reclaim what was once theirs," said Robinson.

It could be an opportunity for the growth and development of minority-owned businesses.

"We can grow here in these buildings, and then we can grow beyond these buildings, beyond this street, even beyond this city," said Culver.