California Man Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison For Selling Meth In Oklahoma

California Man Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison For Selling Meth In Oklahoma

A California man is sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to selling meth in northeastern Oklahoma.

Eric Bentley was arrested in October 2020 after a Mannford police officer discovered drugs and firearms in his vehicle during a traffic stop.

“Eric Bentley traveled to northeastern Oklahoma to exchange deadly methamphetamine for guns and cash,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Clint Johnson. “Illicit drug deals and firearms are a recipe for violence and suffering. Because of the work of the Mannford Police Department, DEA, and ATF, this defendant will no longer be able to operate his illegal drug business in our communities.”

In his plea agreement, Bentley stated he had more than 500 grams of meth at the time and got some firearms as payment for the drugs.

The agreement says Derrick Deeds and Nicole Dileva were in on the plan. They both pleaded guilty in July and were sentenced to 78 and 60 months in prison, respectively