Tulsa Salvation Army Working To Help Arkansas Tornado Victims

Tulsa Salvation Army Working To Help Arkansas Tornado Victims

Monday, volunteers from Tulsa are helping with disaster relief in Arkansas and Kentucky after the deadly tornados. Rosie Rice and Charlotte Cates left Tulsa in the Salvation Army disaster canteen for Jonesboro, Arkansas.

"The days are very long. They are 12, 13 hours every day. So it's quite a commitment. The logistics are incredible. The heart of service is amazing," said Wayde Normandian.

Normandian is the Tulsa Salvation Army's disaster resource manager and said even during the busiest time of the year, Rice and Cates volunteered for the emergency disaster services. "We're there. We're prepared and we'll do all that we can do to help and touch people's lives in the most difficult and vulnerable time that they may find themselves in," said Normandian.

He said he heard from the women when they arrived in Jonesboro on Sunday and again on Monday before they headed to Truman. He said Cates and Rice are bringing comfort to one of the heaviest hit areas from the storms. "Get into some you know challenging places where people are and they need a hot meal, they need a comforting touch, they need a hot cup of coffee, water. It just brings a little bit of normalcy to their lives that have been turned upside down," said Normandian.

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