Tulsa Police: Classic Truck Stolen With Man's Ashes Inside

Tulsa Police: Classic Truck Stolen With Man's Ashes Inside

The overnight theft of a truck in South Tulsa has a California woman pleading for its return, in part because she says her husband's cremated remains are inside.

Mary Pena reported to Tulsa Police that a truck, and trailer hauling another truck, were taken outside the Candlewood Suites, on 71st Street. Pena, and her son, David, are driving across the country as they move from California to Illinois. They were using a truck to tow a trailer that was carrying a restored 1941 Ford truck.

“I got up and looked out at 6 this morning and it was gone. Both trucks are gone, and I was just devastated,” said Pena.

Pena said her husband died of cancer last winter, and his cremated remains were inside a box in the truck.

“I just want it back because I had my husband’s ashes in there to go home and do his memorial, and the truck, that he just cherished,” she said.

The truck is a white 2003 Chevy Avalanche, with Montana license plates. The 1941 Ford was fully restored, recently painted, and loaded with family belongings. David Pena said

“That truck, that was a family prize right there. It was a truck my mom bought for my dad, and we completely refurbished it,” said David Pena

Tulsa Police auto theft detectives said a video from the hotel showed someone driving up alongside the truck at 3:15 Wednesday morning, and quickly leaving with the truck. Ms. Pena said the truck had an alarm on it and was blocked in when it was parked but it was taken anyway. Police say thieves check hotel parking lots looking for easy targets. In this case, police say they have video of another man around the truck shortly before it was taken.

The Pena’s packed up to leave Wednesday afternoon, after what they said was their first-ever visit to Tulsa, and while they’ve left, they’re hoping someone will spot the truck and call the police.

“I would give anything to get my truck back, my husband’s truck back, and his ashes,” said Mrs. Pena.