OHP Trooper Launches Statewide First Responder Wellness Division 

OHP Trooper Launches Statewide First Responder Wellness Division 

A State Trooper put pain to purpose by launching a program that helps first responders struggling with mental health. The program gained recognition from the Governor during his State of the State address. 

Trooper Danny Long said the idea to start the Oklahoma First Responder Wellness Division came to him after his darkest day. Now, he is committed to helping others suffering in silence. 

After 20 years as an OHP Trooper responding to fatal accidents, tornadoes, and every other kind of tragedy he found himself in a dark place. 

“I grabbed a duty rifle out of my patrol car and I walked to the backside of my place, and I stuck it in my mouth. I was bottomed out, there was no further down that I could go,” said Long. 

Long now travels around the state to different agencies telling his story with a team of other first responders. 

“We can go anywhere in the state and walk into any group, Fire, EMS, or Police, and immediately have credibility just based on our past,” he said. 

The group gives them resources on where they can get help if they are struggling. 

“Give them some options, kind of like a roadmap, for help when they do reach out to us,” he said. 

The goal is to make it accessible to anyone. First responders can reach out for help on the ‘Oklahoma First Responder Wellness Division’ Facebook page. 

“Having every first responder know it is okay not to be okay. Now we have a solution for it, we have a safe space for you to reach out to,” said Long. 

First responders reach out for tips on counseling and peer activities to help each other work through their trauma. 

“I just told you I stuck a riffle in my mouth, and I survived. I had to make some intentional changes in my life but if I could do this, I can assure you anybody can. It is survivable,” he said. 

He and his team are working on opening a one-stop-shop where first responders can go for counseling and other wholistic forms of healing.