House Committee To Consider Bills Limiting Power Of School Boards

House Committee To Consider Bills Limiting Power Of School Boards

At Tuesday’s ethics and election committee meeting, Piedmont Republican Representative Denise Crosswhite-Hadar is presenting three bills expected to impact local schools and school boards. 

House Bill 3233 would require all candidates of any elected office to pick a political party, including members of a school board.

House Bill 3234 would invalidate any election results if less than 40% of registered voters cast a ballot.

It would also regulate when schools can run certain measures such as mill levies, which is a form of property tax.

House Bill 3235 is another one to be presented, which would take away the power from school boards so they wouldn't be able to fill empty board seats outside of an election.

Only the governor could appoint board members if necessary.

The Oklahoma State School Board Association has sent out an alert asking legislators to vote no on House Bill 3234 and 3235

Senator Greg Treat is expected to present the Oklahoma Empowerment Act to the Senate Education Committee.

It would allow public school dollars to pay for private and homeschooling.