Tulsa Students Learn Gardening With Outdoor Classroom

Tulsa Students Learn Gardening With Outdoor Classroom

We're getting a look at a Tulsa school's outdoor classroom and the garden. Volunteers built it for students at Unity Learning Academy. The students are tending to their class gardens thanks to volunteers after Tulsa United Way's Day of Caring.

Students said this garden is how they build their community.

Alexa Puebla is a fifth grader at Unity Learning Academy. She loves staying after school with Global Gardens to plant her favorite fruits and veggies.

"This is my Global Gardens family, and these are people that I can trust, and I can tell things to," said Alexa.

Her gardening teacher said the outdoor space is where students can go to take a breather.

"The garden is just a place for people to come together, to have that unity, to have a place where we can all put away our differences for a second and just get in the dirt and have a good time growing things," said Lonnie Bargabos.

Lonnie Bargabos said outside at the garden, it's all in the hands of the students. They learn science through planting carrots, radishes, lettuce and beautiful flowers.

The students also learn about enjoying peace and nature.

"I probably enjoy journaling it's when like we set down a little blanket and write down in our journals," said Alexa.

Alexa said she's learned how to process her feelings and emotions. She found her voice by sitting in the outdoor classroom.

"I'm very timid and shy. I can't sometimes find the words to talk to somebody, so I'd rather write my feelings on paper," explained Alexa.

Bargabos said it's the work of volunteers who make that sprout of self-empowerment a possibility.

"Day of caring, they really help the garden come alive. They help set the foundations for the kids to really have that student led environment," said Bargabos.

She hopes the seeds that are planted in the minds of these kids, grow into confidence that gets them excited about what they can accomplish in life.

"I hope that they learn about peace, what makes them feel peaceful, how can I bring peace to others, how can I be part of a community, how can I give back, and how can I love myself as well," said Bargabos.