New Kit Teaches Students About History Of Greenwood District

New Kit Teaches Students About History Of Greenwood District

Students at Monroe Demonstration Academy are learning about the history of Greenwood through a Black Wall Street kit! Organizers said they put their talents to use to do Something Good for kids all over the country. The kits were passed out to kids in Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles and Tulsa.

There is no doubt that kids can bring joy to life -- what better way to help educate a child than to give them some of that joy right back.

“This is a Black Wall Street kit," said Hannah Lynch with Monroe Demonstration Academy, “It was such a celebration for the kids...It was easier for the kids to connect with what they were learning because it wasn’t just about things that happened in the past but business owners in Black Wall Street currently.”

Robinne Eller learned about Black Wall Street several years ago during a trip to Tulsa. She decided to put her 15 plus years in tech towards an educational tool that could help kids understand how the history of Greenwood is so important for their futures. There was a collaboration of talent, funds, and businesses that took part in the project -- from Russel Westbrook's foundation to the History Channel.

“You can tell there was a lot of thought and care and joy put into them," said Lynch.

Each kit arrives with its own Greenwood notebook, merch and books for readers of all levels about the past and future of Greenwood -- not to mention a tablet with its own WiFi with a 40 page curriculum.

“This interactive curriculum has videos and ways for children to really dive deep into not only the history but again the reconciliation, the resilience--- finding their own entrepreneurial spirit, finding ways to uplift themselves and their own journey…they get to design a 3D experience of what Greenwood could look like in the future," said Eller.

We’re raising the next generation of dreamers, of entrepreneurs who know the history behind them so they can take brave steps into the future.

"Being part of this Collaboration is an honor. When I started Greenwood Ave., it was just three t-shirts aimed at honoring the legacy of Black Wall Street and to create a conversation piece. Starting the video series was an attempt to inspire the next generation of dreamers while highlighting Black entrepreneurs of today. I use the funds from the merch to produce this series at no cost to the business we feature. The fact that the History Channel, Russell Westbrook’s Foundation and Codebreak would partner with us to have our videos in classrooms across the country is a huge win. Big thank you to Robinne Eller and team Codebreak for putting this together. I hope this inspires everyone to stay in their purpose and use what is in your hands to create impact," said Trey Thaxton with Goldmill Co.