Father Of Parkland Mass Shooting Victim To Visit Tulsa On Gun Violence Awareness Tour

Father Of Parkland Mass Shooting Victim To Visit Tulsa On Gun Violence Awareness Tour

Jury deliberations begin on Wednesday in Florida to decide the fate of Nikolas Cruz, the man convicted of killing 17 people in a school shooting in 2018. The father of one of those victims won't be in the courtroom though.

Manuel Oliver, whose son, Joaquin, was killed in the Parkland mass shooting on Valentine's Day in 2018, has dedicated his life to bringing awareness to gun violence and tours the country in a school bus hoping to make an impact.

On Wednesday, he's bringing his message to Tulsa, with a stop at the Greenwood Cultural Center.

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Oliver raises money for his charity 'Change the Ref' aimed at stopping gun violence.

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In all, 14 children and three teachers were killed that day. It's the deadliest mass shooting ever to go to trial in the U.S.

Nikolas Cruz pleaded guilty in 2021.The sentencing trail started in July. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty, but it will be up to a jury will decide between that and life in prison.

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Cruz attorney's argue he's "mentally ill" due to alcohol poisoning in the womb. Deliberations could last several days.

As for Manuel Oliver's tour stop in Tulsa, he'll be in town from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Wednesday.

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For more information on Oliver's tour, Click Here.