Archeologists Expand Their Search Area At Oaklawn In Search For Massacre Victims

Archeologists Expand Their Search Area At Oaklawn In Search For Massacre Victims

Archeologists working to find any victims of the Tulsa Race Massacre at Oaklawn Cemetery went underground to an area they have not before, on Friday.

State Archeologist Kary Stackelbeck said Friday’s goal was to start expanding the team’s search from last summer.

They went to the area west of where Reuben Everett and Eddie Lockhard's gravestones are. Those are two known massacre victims, but archeologists have always said they are not sure if the two are in fact buried there.

Scientists said they also revisited the area where one gunshot victim was found last summer, and started to expand their search south of that.

On Thursday, the team said it was able to collect seven samples for DNA extraction, from remains that were found in a mass grave last summer.

The heavy equipment will be out there again Saturday, as digging continues.