Oklahoma Mothers' Milk Bank Meeting A Growing Need

Oklahoma Mothers' Milk Bank Meeting A Growing Need

An Oklahoma nonprofit that collects, processes, and distributes donated breast milk to babies in need across the region has a new facility to meet a growing need.

The Oklahoma Mothers' Milk Bank said many donors are stepping up, but the need is greater.

Katylee Moehlenbrock said her baby, Lyla, developed an allergy to a protein in breast milk at five weeks old.

The first-time mother from Tulsa kept pumping and saved a freezer full of milk that she recently donated to the Oklahoma Mothers' Milk Bank.

"Breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life, mentally and physically. So I want to give back to the women that are struggling and need the help and especially those babies in the NICU,” said Moehlenbrock.

Becky Mannel, executive director of the Oklahoma Mothers' Milk Bank, gave us a tour of the nonprofit's new space in Oklahoma City.

Mannel said in 2021, 413 donors were screened compared to 694 in 2022, and there have been 142,000 ounces of donated milk dispensed this year, mostly to hospitals for sick babies.

Mannel said Oklahoma is one of 25 states that have human milk banks, so the Sooner State also helps Kansas, Missouri and Arkansas.

Right now, there are 34 donation drop-off locations across the region, and three more are coming to Tulsa next year.

"With our rapid growth, with all of the things that have happened in the past year, past couple of years, the pandemic, formula shortage, the demand for donor milk has really skyrocketed, so we're always in need of milk donors,” said Mannel.

2023 marks the milk bank's 10th anniversary. It hopes to serve even more babies, including coverage for Soonercare patients.

To learn how you can donate or volunteer, click here.