Green Country Nonprofits Unite To End Youth Homelessness

Green Country Nonprofits Unite To End Youth Homelessness

Several Green Country nonprofits are partnering to make a bigger impact in the fight against youth homelessness.

Housing Solutions Tulsa is leading the effort by collaborating with agencies to provide additional support to homeless youth. The group is seeking proposals from organizations for potential projects to fund to aid the cause.

Youth Services of Tulsa, represented by Brian Young, is committed to increasing support for several existing programs.

One of these programs is the transitional living initiative, which provides housing, employment, and educational assistance to young people who are dealing with homelessness.

Last year, Youth Services of Tulsa helped 98 homeless youth leave homelessness by providing them with housing, education, and employment opportunities.

Young emphasized that homeless youth experience significant challenges and require compassionate assistance to develop independence and secure housing.

He added that they lack life skills and resources to climb out of homelessness on their own and, therefore, need caring adults to guide them through the process.

"It is hard for them to ask for help and it’s just kind of a stark reminder that these kinds of things can happen to anybody. It’s just especially hard for young people in that situation because they don’t have the life skills or the resources to kind of climb out of that on their own. So they just need caring adults to help them through that," Young said.

To sustain their long-term efforts, Youth Services of Tulsa is requesting public donations of money or household items. The deadline for submitting proposals to help end youth homelessness is May 26th.