Tulsa Brewery Hosts Fundraiser For Tulsa Firefighter Battling Rare Cancer

Tulsa Brewery Hosts Fundraiser For Tulsa Firefighter Battling Rare Cancer

A Tulsa brewery is hosting a fundraiser for a young firefighter battling a rare cancer.

Harrison Moseby was one of the firefighters who helped put out a fire next to Marshall Brewing Company two years ago. Now the brewery is helping him.

After five weeks of treatment at MD Anderson in Houston, Harrison had a warm welcome home, as the community lined the streets in Collinsville and Owasso for their hero.

Harrison spent this week with his wife Mallory and their two little girls, Kollyns and Gracelee, who was just born a month ago.

"Even though he's my little brother, I look up to him quite a bit. Because his faith through all of this has been unwavering," Hayden Moseby said.

The aggressive soft tissue cancer Harrison is fighting left him with the decision to have his left arm amputated.

"It was a pretty major surgery but he was willing to do it. In his words, 'whatever it takes,' to have more time with his kids and his wife,” Hayden said.

But on Friday Hayden said, Harrison will have to fly back to Houston, because of complications. While he is getting the care he needs, there is a way to help him here at home.

"To be able to uplift Harrison and his family and then also offer some financial support, I know will help,” Wes Alexander with Marshall Brewing Company said.

Harrison was one of the firefighters who helped save Marshall Brewing Company on a bitter cold day two years ago.

Now, the brewery is hosting a benefit for him, with food trucks, live music, beer, and a raffle giving away a bike and a grill.

Alexander said they even got Tulsa Tough involved, by including a special sticker in every race packet.

"We're asking riders to affix that to your race helmet, just as a show of support. And let everybody in the community know that here in Tulsa, we uplift the people that need our help,” Alexander said.

They're paying it forward to a firefighter, who is giving everything he can.

Saturday’s fundraiser is from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tickets are $25, and all the proceeds will go to Harrison to help with medical bills.