Tulsa Homeless Shelters Prepare For Full Capacity As Colder Weather Arrives

Tulsa Homeless Shelters Prepare For Full Capacity As Colder Weather Arrives

Tulsa homeless shelters are expecting to be full this week as we head into our final month of fall.

The Tulsa Day Center, John 3:16 Mission, and the Salvation Army all work together to make sure no one is left out in the cold.

They said they try to make sure their clients survive the cold and beyond.

The Tulsa Day Center said it can house up to 400 clients during the day and provide beds for 100 clients at night, which is crucial when the temperature drops. It works with other shelters downtown to get people off the streets and into a safe place.

John 3:16 is currently at capacity, but are rearranging beds to fit more people. The director of guest services there said they love the population they serve and they want to help as many people as possible.

The Salvation Army said it can accept an overflow of 40 people when temperatures reach below 33 degrees.

Noe Rodriguez with the Day Center said this cold snap has brought in more clients than usual.

“During inclement weather, we will let all our clients come in and get out of the cold. We want them to feel safe and you know Oklahoma weather. It can get bitter, deathly cold and so we’re allowing clients to come in and get a reprieve from the weather inside,” said Noe Rodriguez, Associate Director for the Tulsa Day Center.

The shelters said they can always use coats, hats, scarves, blankets, and warmers for their clients.

CLICK HERE for more about the Tulsa Day Center.

CLICK HERE for more about the John 3:16 Mission.

CLICK HERE for more about Tulsa Salvation Army.