Roadways Improve In Tulsa As Sunshine Melts Snow, Ice From Winter Storm

Roadways Improve In Tulsa As Sunshine Melts Snow, Ice From Winter Storm

The City of Tulsa road crews have been out since midnight to treat roads after snowfall covered most of eastern Oklahoma.

At the salt barns, a steady amount of trucks have been going in and out to treat the roads in the city. This morning, crews stopped plowing and turned to salt to help with snow melt. City officials said that while all main roads are passable, the focus is now on treating turn lanes and slick spots.

What are the best safety practices for driving in freezing weather?

AAA Spokeswoman Rylie Fletcher said before you hit the road, you should open your hood and check for any visible deterioration.

Always check the air pressure in your tires because with every 10 degrees drop, your tires can lose one pound of pressure.

Remember to find a safe place to pull over if you have trouble.

Always put on your hazard lights and stay in your vehicle.

Fletcher said the most important thing you can do is slow down, because you don’t want to be in a situation where your car slides across the road.

“Whether that be when you’re hitting the brakes, whether you're hitting the gas pedal, even your speed in general. Do those actions slower than you would typically do on a dry road. Those conditions out there that we might see coming into this weekend, your car can slip really easily if there’s any slickness on the road or if it's icy out there," Fletcher said.

If you must get on the road, make sure you allow extra time to get where you’re going.

Where Can I Find Tulsa Warming Stations?

John 3:16 Mission, 506 N. Cheyenne Ave.: open 24-7

The Salvation Army Center of Hope, 102 N. Denver Ave.: open 24-7

Tulsa Day Center, 415 W. Archer St.: open 24-7