'It Didn't Seem Real:' Lowe's Employees Recognized By Fire Department After Coworker Suffered Cardiac Arrest

'It Didn't Seem Real:' Lowe's Employees Recognized By Fire Department After Coworker Suffered Cardiac Arrest

The Lowe’s on 71st Street in Tulsa is known as a go-to spot for all things home improvement. But earlier this year, it became known for a different reason.

“It didn’t seem quite real in the moment,” said Lowe's Store Manager Mark McNeil.

It became known as a place where employees sprung into action to try and save a co-worker.

Employee Rick Hendrickson was stocking supplies when he heard someone fall to the floor.

“I walked around the corner; I saw someone lying there facedown,” he said.

It all happened on aisle 16 when an employee who wasn’t working that day collapsed and went into cardiac arrest.

McNeil got a call and responded immediately.

“Rick was working already, and I went to grab the defibrillator, knowing that we would most likely need it,” he said. 

Rick began administering CPR until the Tulsa Fire Department came and took over, where they were able to locate a pulse. 

Both men were recognized by TFD and received awards for their efforts.

“To have the guys that always run into the building and save lives give you a pat on the back, even that day…that was humbling,” said Hendrickson.

The man died soon after at the hospital. But because of the Lowe’s team, Tulsa firefighters say he got the best chance at life possible. And McNeil says that’s why they stay ready.

“That’s why we do as much training as we do, so that when we get into those situations, we know how to respond calmly,” he said.