Legal Battle Over Wind Farm In Osage Nation Continues

Legal Battle Over Wind Farm In Osage Nation Continues

The most recent court filings in the Osage Mineral Council v. Enel Energy case have the nation asking a judge to order Enel to stop generating electricity within 24 hours.

The Minerals Council argues Enel is delaying taking action on a court order issued in December that required the company to remove the wind farm in Western Osage County.

The 84-turbine wind farm went into operation ten years ago and has been the subject of constant litigation since.

Enel has informed the court it will cost an estimated $258 million to remove the turbines and restore the land, and take at least 18 months,

The Council argues that the removal could go much faster and that the cost is irrelevant because Enel lost the ruling on whether or not the turbines must go.

"The Osage Minerals Council is not interested in what is simpler for Enel," the Osage Mineral Council attorney told the court.

The US government sides with the nation, arguing in a separate filing that Enel should be required to post bond during delays in creating a removal plan and shut down the farm immediately rather than benefit from the continuing operation.

"Every day the defendants generate income is another day Osage headright holders are ignored," the government lawyers said.

Previous Stories:

  1. Federal Judge Orders Removal Of Wind Farm In Osage County
  2. 'We're Tired Of This': Osage Nation Chief Welcomes Wind Farm Court Ruling
  3. Enel Energy Plans Appeal 'Osage Wind Case' After Judge Orders Wind Farm Removal
  4. Shidler Public School District Worried About Funding After Wind Farm Court Ruling