A student from Monte Cassino will be headed to Washington D.C. next month after qualifying for the National Spelling Bee.
Spelling can be tough. There are many rules you must follow. Rules like I before E except after C and even then, there are exceptions.
For one sixth grader at Monte Cassino, the rules of spelling come naturally to him.
Nico Reens entered his first spelling bee when he was in third grade.
"I didn't get the result I wanted, but I just kept trying," he said.
He did that by spending two hours a day spelling words.
"I would try to spell them and whichever ones I got wrong, I would write them down on a piece of paper until it was in my memory, and I already knew the word," Nico said.
Nico's hard work paid off--he's won three spelling bees this year. Most recently, he won the regional spelling bee.
"I think my first word was spreadsheet, which was pretty easy, and I was pretty happy that I got an easy word,” said Nico. “Then after that, I don't really remember except that I think once I got through the first round, I would be happy if I got out. I wouldn't have cared as much because at least I didn't get out first, which was my goal."
With that win, Nico won a big prize.
"I was so excited,” he said. “I am going to Washington. I was like, ‘Yes, I am going to Washington!’"
He's headed to the National Spelling Bee in D.C. Many of his classmates and teachers, like Penny Crofford, are proud of him.
"Gosh, I was so excited for him because that's a really big deal. He had worked hard, and you just never know who you are going to be up against," she said.
Nico will head to DC with his family on May 26.
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