TCC Enters Phase One Of Return To Campus

TCC Enters Phase One Of Return To Campus

Tulsa Community College is implementing phase one of its Return to Campus plan in preparation for the fall semester.

Phase one provides students limited access to computers at two campuses, the Southeast Campus Library and continued access at the Northeast Campus Facet Center in the Enterprise Building. Students will only be allowed to access the entrances where thermal scanners are set up, and an additional temperature check with a forehead thermometer will be available as needed.

Students will also be required to present their TCC student ID, wear face coverings on campus, and will need to reserve the available computers in advance.

This is the first phase of restarting on campus operations as TCC looks to resume in-person classes, one of four choices for courses including online, online live and blended, for the Fall. 

For more information, visit TCC’s Return to Campus Guide here: